Alexander Kolchak

Alexander was the most influential and outstanding leader for the White Army. He commanded a powerful 400,000 man army. Unfortunately for him, he was completely defeated by the Red Army.

Leon Trotsky

Vladimir Lenin put Leon Trotsky as the commissar of war. Originally siding with the Mensheviks he later sided with the Bolsheviks and found himself making peace terms with Germany. He led the Red Army to victory and played crucial role in keeping the Bolsheviks alive.

Lavr Kornilov

Commander of part of the White army and was against the Bolsheviks. He himself wanted to go against the provisional government and make the country a military dictatorship. He was later assassinated for plans of trying to take over the government.

Vladimir Lenin

Lead the October Revolution and eventually overthrew the provisional government that was in power. He was the creator of the Bolsheviks and the Red Army. This was an effective Coup d'etat. The Bolsheviks had total control over the government.